MH&W Spotlight: Mental health stigma
Awareness of mental health is changing, with more information and support available than before. We’re not quite there yet, with reductive stigmas invalidating
I’m sure you know the years haven't always been kind to people with mental health conditions.
They've experienced stereotypes, alongside straight up discrimination and prejudice.
What are the issues?
These roadblocks didn’t help, causing things like:
Delayed treatment due to fear of judgement
Withdrawing socially - losing touch with family and friends
Struggling to find work
Loss of life.
Yup, it's been and continues to be pretty sh*tty...
...but there are glimmers of hope.
The times are changin’
When I was a teen, not many folk were discussing how they felt. The mental health spotlight wasn't really turned on yet. Negative association was still very much a thing.
The past few years though, we've seen more people shed their fear. Talk more about how they feel and how it affects them. There's a willingness to be open, embrace that part of themselves and to manage their conditions in a way they feel comfortable doing.
We’re not there yet though. Nine out of ten people still say M.H stigma has a sh*tty effect on their lives. But I see you. You kind, lovely soul. You’re probably already onboard with this and I thank you...but here’s a few extras tips to help contribute to the destigmatisation of M.H.
What can you do to help?
Listen and be empathetic
Stay educated on mental health and wellbeing
Support public awareness campaigns and mental health initiatives
Use non-stigmatising language
Be open to different perspectives on M.H
Share your own story
Challenge negative viewpoints on M.H.
If you’re struggling with mental health stigma in your own life, there’s helpful links right here.